Monday, 16 June 2008

How do I get on to the LCEA Register and LCC Register?

Once you have completed or during the training and software training for either EPC, DEC or Air Conditioning, you may start the APEL Application process.

  • The application for Accreditation (Apel Application process) is an automatic application to the LCEA Register and also gives automatic entry to the LCC Register.

The application for Accreditation is started by downloading the respective NOS document and APEL Form from the CIBSE Certification website and by submitting the accompanying evidence/documents -- 2 years CPD, Professional Indemnity Insurance, CV and either 2 EPCs (if EPC APEL Application) or DEC (if DEC Application). CLG have waived the provision of providing 3 reports for Air Conditioning prior to Accreditation.

  • If you do not wish to become an Accredited Low Carbon Energy Assessor to be on the LCEA Register but want to be on the LCC Register, you can take training (if you have not already) and apply to be on the LCC Register. CIBSE have 4 LCC Registers and registration for each is applied for separately:
  1. Low Carbon Consultant Design Register (Energy Performance)
  2. Low Carbon Consultant Building Operation Register (Display Energy)
  3. Low Carbon Consultant Calculation Register (Energy Performance)
  4. Low Carbon Consultant Simulation Register (Energy Performance)

Where can I find CIBSE EPC Training Dates?

The dates and venues for CIBSE EPC Training is listed with downloadable booking form at the following link:

Where can I find CIBSE DEC Training Dates?

The training dates and venues for CIBSE DEC Training are listed with downloadable booking form at the following link:

Where can I download the DEC ORCalc Software?

The latest release of the DEC software ORCalc version (v1.04.07) can be found at:

You will need to fill in the form to request access.

Sunday, 15 June 2008

Do those attending CIBSE DEC Training need to bring laptops with software?

No, your training is in a computer lab with computers and ORCalc Software provided.

What route must I take to become registered as an Air Conditioning Assessor?

To become Accredited as an Air Conditioning Assessor and to be on the LCEA Register, you need to complete the Accreditation Process as outlined on the CIBSE Certification Ltd website.

Previous requirements relating to the provision of 3 reports prior to Accreditation have now been waved by CLG. CIBSE Certification will give provisional Accreditation until 3 full reports have been submitted and will then grant fully Accredited status.

If you have questions, please contact Fiona Torrance on

Is someone available to guide me through the NOS to enable me to complete the APEL Form?

If you require assistance when completing the APEL Form for either EPC, DEC or Air Conditioning, contact Fiona Torrance, CIBSE Certification Liaison, on

CIBSE Certification Ltd -- Samples for EPC

CIBSE Certification can provide you with data sample for a new and existing build to produce your EPC but do not provide samples for DEC. If you require a sample for EPC, email

Are we able to edit the EPC Recommendations Report?

No, the EPC Recommendations Report is produced after inputting assessment details into the software. The PDF produced is non-editable and should not produced in an alternate document either.

How long will it take to receive the results from my DEC Training and Exam?

It will take approximately two weeks to receive the results from your DEC Training and Exam. We will email to notify you.

How can I convert my CIBSE Low Carbon Consultant (LCC) Training to produce EPCs and/or DECs?

If you completed your CIBSE LCC Training in Design prior to 1 April 2008, you may need to do a 1 day EPC top-up training course prior to completing the accreditation process to be able to issue EPCs.

If you completed your CIBSE LCC Training in Design prior to 1 April 2008 but want to produce DECs, then you may need to complete the 2 day DEC training course prior to completing the accreditation process to be able to issue DECs.

If you completed your CIBSE LCC Training in Operations prior to 1 April 2008, you may need to do a 1 day DEC top-up training course prior to completing the accreditation process to be able to issue DECs.

If you completed your CIBSE LCC Training in Operations prior to 1 April 2008 but want to produce EPCs, then you may need to complete the 2 day EPC training course prior to completing the accreditation process to be able to issue EPCs.

If you completed your CIBSE LCEA Training in Design after 1 April 2008, you may NOT need to do any EPC top-up training course prior to completing the accreditation process to be able to issue EPCs.

If you completed your CIBSE LCEA Training in Design after 1 April 2008 but want to produce DECs, then you may need to complete the 2 day DEC training course prior to completing the accreditation process to be able to issue DECs.

If you completed your CIBSE LCEA Training in Operations after 1 April 2008, you may NOT need to do a DEC top-up training course prior to completing the accreditation process to be able to issue DECs.

If you completed your CIBSE LCEA Training in Operations after 1 April 2008 but want to produce EPCs, then you may need to complete the 2 day EPC training course prior to completing the accreditation process to be able to issue EPCs.

The process to Accreditation involves:

1. Training
2. Software Training
3. APEL Application (NOS) with CPD, PII, CV

The Accreditation Process for EPC, DEC, and Air Conditioning requires a separate APEL Application Form (matching National Occupational Standard (NOS) Criteria for either EPC, DEC or Air Conditioning) with accompanying evidence of Continued Professional Development (CPD) and documentation (CV, Professional Indemnity Insurance).

Is it possible to lodge EPCs through the CIBSE Certification Ltd website?

Yes! You first need to purchase lodgement credits. Information is available on the CIBSE Certification Website:

In order to lodge a certificate, you must buy lodgement credits from CIBSE. The fee for these credits is £30 per lodgement plus VAT and they can be bought online.

Can an Intermediary's name be listed on the EPC instead or alongside for branding purposes?

No. The reason is because the Assessor's details and the Assessor's employer details are listed for Professional Indemnity Insurance purposes and need to match details when the Certificate is lodged.

What Accreditation does CIBSE Certification offer Energy Assessors?

CIBSE Certification Ltd offers training, accreditation, and lodgement of certificates to the following types of assessors:

On Construction
Display Energy Certificates
Air Conditioning

CLG Report on Carbon Reductions in New Non-Domestic Buildings

CLG Report on Carbon Reductions in New Non-Domestic Buildings:

CLG Guidance on Air Conditioning Systems

CLG Guidance on Air Conditioning Systems:

CLG Guidance on Energy Certificates and Air Conditioning Systems

CLG Guidance on Energy Certificates and Air Conditioning Systems:

How do I become a Domestic Energy Assessor (DEA)?

How do I become a Domestic Energy Assessor (DEA)?

What is a Display Energy Certificate (DEC)?

What is a Display Energy Certificate?

CLG Guide to Display Energy Certificates

CLG Guide to Display Energy Certificates:

Which buildings are exempt from providing Energy Performance Certificates?

The following buildings are exempt from requiring an EPC:
· Places of worship,
· Stand-alone buildings of less than 50 square metres (except for dwellings),
· Temporary buildings with a planned time of use of 2 years or less,
· Particular buildings with low energy demand (eg barns).
· In certain limited circumstances buildings to be demolished are exempt from requiring a certificate. An Energy Performance Certificate is not required for any (off-plan) sales or lettings before the construction of the building has been completed.
-- CLG (

Energy Performance Certificate and Private Sale

CLG Guidance -- Is an Energy Performance Certificate required for the private sale of a home between two individuals?

"Yes. The EU Directive requires that Energy Performance Certificates will need to be provided for all buildings when they are constructed, sold or rented out. A new Energy Performance Certificate will be required for the Home Information Pack. Where the Energy Performance Certificate is provided separately from a Home Information Pack an existing Energy Performance Certificate may be used as long as it is still valid."
-- CLG (

CLG Guidance on Energy Performance Certificates and New Homes:

CLG Guidance on Energy Performance Certificates and New Homes:

How much will an EPC cost?

"The price of an energy performance certificate (EPC) will be set by the market and not by Government. We expect these costs to vary according to the size, type and location of the property.The current predicted cost of a standalone Energy Performance Certificate for an 'average' home is approximately £100. However, market forces will determine the actual price. For other buildings, the cost will clearly depend on the size and complexity of the building." -- CLG (

What is an Energy Performance Certificate?

What is an Energy Performance Certificate?

What is the time taken to perform an Energy Assessment?

"The time taken to perform an energy assessment will vary according to the size and nature of the property. It is predicted that it will take about the same time as performing a housing valuation report. Because of the wide variation of commercial buildings, any form of 'average time' would not be meaningful." -- CLG (

What is the Energy Assessment Process?

CLG Guidance on Energy Assessment Process (Software):

Are there videos on how to assess buildings?

Yes! Visit the CLG website to view CLG Videos on Building Assessments:

CLG Guidance on Energy Performance of Buildings

CLG Guidance on Energy Performance of Buildings:

What are the minimum requirements to become an Energy Assessor?

CLG Guidance on Minimum Requirements for Energy Assessors:

What are the different types of Energy Assessors?

Types of Energy Assessors:

CLG Guidance on Energy Assessor Qualification and Accreditation

CLG Guidance on Energy Assessor Qualification and Accreditation:

What is the Timetable for Introduction of Measures according to EPBD?

CLG – Timetable for Introduction of Measures:

CLG -- European and International Building Legislation

CLG -- European and International Building Legislation:

CLG -- Building Regulations for England and Wales

CLG -- Building Regulations for England and Wales:

EPBD Implementation -- how does it impact homes vs commercial buildings?

"The Directive itself makes no distinction between the two. There will need to be some practical differences - for example the methodology for certification will need to be different to reflect differences in the way in which homes and commercial property are built and used, but wherever possible we are seeking to minimise the differences. We have already developed a detailed approach for the Energy Performance Certificate that forms part of the HIP for the marketed sales of dwellings. Wherever relevant this will form the model that will be applied in other sectors, such as private rented dwellings, social housing and commercial buildings."
-- CLG (

Energy Performance of Buildings Directive Articles 7-10

CLG -- Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD)
– Articles 7-10