Wednesday, 8 February 2012


This Blog is no longer maintained.  For any queries relating to CIBSE Certification and the CIBSE Low Carbon Energy Assessor scheme please go to

Monday, 16 June 2008

How do I get on to the LCEA Register and LCC Register?

Once you have completed or during the training and software training for either EPC, DEC or Air Conditioning, you may start the APEL Application process.

  • The application for Accreditation (Apel Application process) is an automatic application to the LCEA Register and also gives automatic entry to the LCC Register.

The application for Accreditation is started by downloading the respective NOS document and APEL Form from the CIBSE Certification website and by submitting the accompanying evidence/documents -- 2 years CPD, Professional Indemnity Insurance, CV and either 2 EPCs (if EPC APEL Application) or DEC (if DEC Application). CLG have waived the provision of providing 3 reports for Air Conditioning prior to Accreditation.

  • If you do not wish to become an Accredited Low Carbon Energy Assessor to be on the LCEA Register but want to be on the LCC Register, you can take training (if you have not already) and apply to be on the LCC Register. CIBSE have 4 LCC Registers and registration for each is applied for separately:
  1. Low Carbon Consultant Design Register (Energy Performance)
  2. Low Carbon Consultant Building Operation Register (Display Energy)
  3. Low Carbon Consultant Calculation Register (Energy Performance)
  4. Low Carbon Consultant Simulation Register (Energy Performance)

Where can I find CIBSE EPC Training Dates?

The dates and venues for CIBSE EPC Training is listed with downloadable booking form at the following link:

Where can I find CIBSE DEC Training Dates?

The training dates and venues for CIBSE DEC Training are listed with downloadable booking form at the following link:

Where can I download the DEC ORCalc Software?

The latest release of the DEC software ORCalc version (v1.04.07) can be found at:

You will need to fill in the form to request access.

Sunday, 15 June 2008

Do those attending CIBSE DEC Training need to bring laptops with software?

No, your training is in a computer lab with computers and ORCalc Software provided.

What route must I take to become registered as an Air Conditioning Assessor?

To become Accredited as an Air Conditioning Assessor and to be on the LCEA Register, you need to complete the Accreditation Process as outlined on the CIBSE Certification Ltd website.

Previous requirements relating to the provision of 3 reports prior to Accreditation have now been waved by CLG. CIBSE Certification will give provisional Accreditation until 3 full reports have been submitted and will then grant fully Accredited status.

If you have questions, please contact Fiona Torrance on